very helpful...
thanks to nani for the link...(ak cite hang...haha)

and one more..
this is a program from iluvislam...
wonderful overseas weekend....
It’s time to WOW yourself with other freshers-to-be! Join us NOW!
You wouldn’t want to miss it!
Brace yourself to be WOW’ed by WOW!
When is it?
31 July - 2 August 2009.
Where is it?
Nur Sungai Merab, Putrajaya.
What is it?
Wonderful Overseas Weekend 2009 by its name wholly defines a gathering program to provide insight into the actual life abroad particularly for Muslim students leaving for countries like United Kingdom, Republic of Ireland, Czech Republic, United States, Australia, New Zealand, India and others starting September 2009.
Almost every year Malaysian Muslims face tough challenges in searching and maintaining their identities whilst trying to fit in and establish good relationship with the locals and other international communities. Our main aim is to provide the basic guidance and support to these soon-to-be oversea students before their departure to ease them through life in the new environment. Being oversea students and experiencing the challenges of living abroad first hand, we will try to the best of our abilities to openly discuss and share experience on how to be flexible, dynamic yet abiding to the Islamic Principle so that they are not confine to only the Malay communities and gain no more than just a scroll of degree.
We are also introducing eminent Malaysian Muslim Professionals from a range of expertise to relinquish their secret of becoming a successful person. Our hope is that from this program, the students will feel more confident and well-prepared to begin their new journey as oversea students. It’s not just a weekend it’s a WOW!
Registration Fee:
RM45 (including daily meals, accommodation & transportation).
Wait no more. Give yourself the chance of a lifetime. Come and join us. We’re looking forward for a great weekend experience with you on this coming August! Stay tuned for latest news and updates! =)
“Shifting, Bridging, Sharing – Lets make it WOW!”
cite from....
mcam bes jek...akan pergi kot....