when i see those pictures, i remembered my one lecturer ask all his student to wear batik on Thursday every week. support the Malaysian culture although i wil learn the US culture on thurday. haha..i think I should also wear batik every thursday, but i am very lazy to do it. haha...

as, im sori bcoz u didnt get this. i have tried to send 2 u...haha..

thank to my parent for raising me, loving me, teaching me, scolding me, giving me money, sent me to school, went for holiday, bought me almost whatever i want since 1. 7. 91....(note that, i am still young...haha).

what does a friend means...a lot isnt it?...i read this post [link]. it very nice..u also should have read this.

i hope it is just once..not again. is it my left eye?btw, it is not my left eye, actually it is the right one. but the eye cannot have direct contact with the cam, so i use the mirror.haha

we can improve a lot...but is it easy to do it?? it is better not to smoke..OK!!
who said fasha cannot sing??

how many tiang(what it is in english huh) this house has??eight?? just six actually.
the best way to see a nice postcard without buying it. i am sorry to petronas section 6 for doing this. it is just economical strategies among the student. note that, although i am doing this, im not the cheapo. haha

he is very kind. you should be friend with him. he will held a week to mingle with you if you r so silence in class. he wipe other person spec, but who's spec it is??let it be a secret...rite as??

spot the difference between these 2 picture?? did u get the difference?? there is an addition of word D.haha...

did u have one?? use it efficiently.

a nice view from the library. i should spend more time in there. dont just hanging around without doing nothing.
who want to treat me this? seem delicious. but i didnt know what exactly it is. the person that mms me this picture is seem like to be silence.
photostat can resulted to an enormous amount of money.really!!
why i have this pic in my phone, being the wallpaper of my phone.i cant explain. i also cant wonder whats going on at that time. hahaha....