ade satu hari nie...bce blog dak honolulu...bes je tgok die describe sorg2....
ak pon wonder kalo bley wat cm2 gak....jadi ak pon tulis r..
lgpon blog glndalian len sume dah ade kan...
FAIZour classrep...
amik ICT...
he is physchotic guy...haha..
action die nie sukar djgke dan juge mmg pelik r...haha
s2 kelas bley ketawa ngan tgok muke die je..
neway, tugas sbgai classrep tetap djalankan...
NURthe assistant class rep n my best fren..
actuarial science...
i luv to disturb her in the class...but next sem i can't
she's very helpful n can be trust,...thanks for all ur help....
SYAHMImy long lost friend...
amik biotech...
penah la bersekolah skali walopon 8 bulan je..
mule2 tgok cm knal tpi xbrani nk tegor...haha
s2 grup radio drama....tpi die nie yg pling byk buat kje...
sori syahmi...ak benornye support dari belakang sume kje ko bwat 2...
kuat jugak kuar jlan2...haha...
SARIdie komen r..haha
amik actuari...
kalo nk taw die la yg pling bising di kelas kami....haha
nice to meet u as frenz...and the hang out too....
next sem g jlan2 lg ek...
DZULthe motorist...he is the only one that brought the motorcycle..
he takes ICT
he's helpful guy....offered me his motor to ride 2 cndana when i left my summary,...
btw i afraid to ride motor in shah alam..dunno why...
the roundabout kot...
ASNIDAglendale's fasha lecturer give that name
she takes biotech....
during the time i wrote this post..she is struggling for her SAT...hope ok la jwab 2....
penah mrajuk dgn ak skali.....sori2...janji bwat lgi...haha
BUKlive in front of my room....
he takes engineering..
have a white, glendale sweater....
ari pertama kelas dah pkai dah...huhu
star in takraw..
kalo tgkap gmber...msti duk kt dpn n aksi pelik2....haha
AZLEENazlin again...haha..but now with nurul, sorg lagi nur..
she takes biotech
she's photogenic....
quite silent in the class but outside bising gak r....haha
my besfrenz 2....haha
AKMALalin's schoolmate...but they both dunno each other...quiet funny
just coz their school is so big with many excellent students n only 2 years in there...haha
duk kt indera mahkota, kuantan..
tpi xpenah jumpe lg la stkat nie kt ktn...haha
he takes engineeering.....mechanical kalo x clap..
NADIAHfirst thing...wan 2 ask apologise from her...
byak kne kutuk ngan ak nie....n also for the draft yg bru sje dhantr tdi kt ko..
sori r....
takes biotech....
same as me n alin...we apply same uni...haha
orng beseri, perlis...ptot berseri muke....haha
my rumates are her ade r tgok gmbr wk2 kecik2 n vdeo2....
haha....for the wanted pic, is not me...k
engineneering boy..
so close to afiqah....lagu a couple....haha
have a briliant idea to be thrown out,,,,n can argue something....esp in reading class...y??
the lecturer kot..haha
AFIQAHthe garrulous lady....u admit the radio drama...haha
she takes actuari..
i'm quite afraid to ride a car when she's driving...
wanna noe why.....experience urself...haha
JOEthe sarawak's rapper...not rapist....haha
this future engineer is quite blur....
his word can make people laugh...haha
NANI"pulchritude is my acme"
an actuarist
si atin nie kalo tgok cte antoo ngan die bes..haha...but jgn r jdi org yg duk sebelah die...bhye...ade effect xtra sound n kne peluk lgi...haha
btw, she has a good chemistry with the actor...berbakat nie..haha
GUAN YIthe pokemon master....
all the time with his pokemon...i think that he doesn't have the childhood memory n trying so hard to get it back
quite funny but has serious face...haha
takes agriculture...i dunno if we have this course...but that what AS said 2 me
CHLOE"so, whats the answer?"
haha...tpi bgus gak die tnye...sbb kdg2 mmg jawapan blur pon...thank chloe
dun sure her major....
she's beautiful... rite??
XUE YUENthe jay chow....a diligent future engineer....
seem like all rounder...master in all subject
precal n english...what ur pointer huh??
SUE CHINhve a very deep dimple....haha
i think she takes actuari...for sure....going to apply ann habor...
i hope u get into there...
KIAN HUImany lecturer said...."handsome boy"
quite silent in class but a jiwang man..
have a very nice HP pavilion....i hope i can get 1 of that
SHIMAhave a very nice smile...but hard 2 saw her smile..haha..
takes biotech..
first impression...she is serious
the last day of sem....she's not...
haha...tpi sesungguhnya hri trakhir bru sedar yg si shima ni xla crius sgt rupenya...
tpi sungguh risau ditelepon oleh maknya dipagi hari...haha
FIRDAUSfunny guy...haha..
menunjukkan perangai sebenar wk2 overnite mule2....haha
rugi r ko xde wk2 2nd time 2..kurang ceria jdinye
engineering boy...
lastly thank for the ride 2 seremban....
TING TINGvery hardworking gurl...criusly..
biotech is her major....
bes kalo bncg pape ngan die nie..
she will complete all those thing first,,,,xde digress...haha
LAGUthe newest member of glendale...n the one n only indian...
very very n very good in precalculus..haha
from cameron...
major x ingt r...biotech kot...