it been a long time since the last time i be there...
i think during the ramadhan..
when i go to the kindergarden-to-be house
it so mom is packing the useless shirt to be throw away..
i remember something...
a shirt...very meaningful to me..
i search for still my cupboard..
this shirt have 1001 memory in it..
it remind me to my schoolhood...
haha..all the contengan in that is created creatively by the boys....right after the Arabic SPM paper...haha....the paper is so hard....luckily i got A for that...but it had been forgotten at that time....coz it's over...haha

F1. >at first..i entered SK..not skola kbgsaan...but SMK seri kuantan..during this year..the time is waste without no use..haha...not study at all...that wat i can say...i think i only study math n science...the others usually have no teachers... then i got into SBPIK....just only F1 at that time.....i think about 2 month at that school during F1...i have been rotan quite a lot....haha..usually by Pak Man coz not go to surau for suboh prayer,.i also had been slapped by Pak Man...haha...why??not go for Azan[coz my turn in suboh]haha
F2.. this year is just ordinary intresting actvties...skola bru la ktekan...
i sat for PMR...sush?xkot..tpi sperti biase...badi BI x ilang..i got B for it...i just smile on that day i got the result...i noe it was my fault..even the novel i do not read at all... so..what can i do axcept accept the fate...haha..luckily my arabic is A...
this the best year i had in this school....honeymoon years rite..i hav a very best class...4IH..i was the class first i dun want to be in this school anymore!!y??coz i have to take 12 subjects...huh..but i just ignore it..coz not only me have to take it..there a lot of mae frenz also..haha..but the class is best...a lot of characters in it...baik, nakal, syp,...dan len2...mcam2 ade...haha
this year....the last coz i'm now in 5IS...the students all the time facing the table....if not study...they'll sleep...haha...just few people that i can talk to me is afiq[yeah afiq...nme ko dah kua]...but he is the Einstein's class he left me all the time alone in the middle of the silent class....
haha,,,thats my memory in the school that have the great studnt but the admin...dun wan 2 say...haha..nothin 2 be say about...but without them i'll will never be in the place i am...thank 2 all the teachers, admin, frenz, and also my family....coz of u i'll be the place that i'm standing right now...
school....the thing that we left behind....but the memory still we bring along...
oooww.. dat so sweet.. hahaa i agree.. we musnt forget bout our school-hood memory,but appreciate it dat we'd gone thru special moment wif teachers n frenz
i always remebr my school fact my friends and I still communicate each other
it is the past. which leads us to who we are now. :)
haha. afiq pnye name da kuar. xD puas ati dieee. xD
where's my name?? heheheheheh
high is da best memory..
in fact..
we learnt lots of things during high skewl..
acap, aisya n niro....that rite.memory that be last long...
teacher...sorry r,,,nnti next post insyaALLAH ade kot..
ye aisya..
name afiq dh kuar
trharu la plak bile ko tuleh gitu
x brmaksud nk tggalkan ko..
(aku ketua klas einstein ke?????)
gracias mape..
haha...nk tulis cmne lgi...
ak taw ko xbermaksud..
tpi ko tgglkan jua...haha
sje je...
i2lah yg arina
arina ckap??
so....aku trime la...
aku yg tggalkan ke ko yg x nk ikot??
ko kn suke brade dlm klgn bdk2 pndai
ko tgglkan ak...
haha....nape dak duk dlam kalnagn dak2 pandai..
ak bkan pandai pon...
koya r mu
btol la...
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