many of my time is useless...
the 'A' for calc had disappeared....(it is miracle if it come back again, and I hope the miracle will happen....:))
2 weeks more to survive...
need a week or a month of holidays right now...
sleeping is a best thing to do but I couldn’t..
money is flowing like water from the waterfall that fall to the ground and create the circular waves that could not clearly see as the water keep flowing and hit the surface of the water (just want to say that the money was used not in purpose)
Thinking about this spring sem is useless....
luckily the end is just around the corner
unluckily, the end demands tonnes of works, bunches of quizzes, many sets of test, and many more down the list...
despite all this...
fortunately i'm still alive...
thank ALLAH
p/s: this all is crap...
Special picture of the day

agree. tiring ending.
im feeling as the same way as u too!
i want it to end soon.
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