glad to say that it is good and the assignment is still under control....
just get a bit mess with data analysis...need to revise on that,,,hehe....
and just now, my floor leader ask whether i live in his floor or not....haha
maybe i do not mingle around much yet...
quite hard to involve around them....
in the data class, they treat me not more than the way they treat the NTID student...
i just solve a simple question with a simple formula....
and explain to them to prove the answer, but still looking at me like i am the stupidest person in that group...
last2, tnye lecturer, btol plak jwapan ak....haha...mule r terkedu...
raye tinggal x smpai seminggu lagi....
da la kt fb pon bdak2 nie tagged video takbir raye...sedey je dgr...
haha...xpe2...pengalaman berharga utk fes time....
pengalaman jugak nk ade match bola pada hari raye....
ni mmg sush nk dpt nie...
besa laa 2.. aku kena treat cara sama gak... sometimes, memang dorang igt kita neyh bodoh kowt.. huhu..
salam perantauan..
selamat hari rye~~
maap zaher n baten...
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