It remembered me to my schooldays...
Where the tadarus Al-Quran is the common event we had in Ramadhan...
Here it all with your effort and decide it by yourself...
I miss the old days...
Where I can hear 'tazkirah' from ustaz n other friends...
Since it is Ramadan...
I really miss to hear about the three part of ramadhan..
The first 10 days is rahmah (mercy)
Second part is maghfirah (forgiveness)
Third part is Itqum minan nar (Emancipation from Hellfire)
Although I had heard this every year in my schooldays,
but i still thinks about this thing whenever Ramadhan had come
I miss to pray in the mosque...
Where there are many people makes the saf...
That the thing that we did not appreciate it much because we know that it is the common thing in our community, where we are the majority group
When I was in the minority group, i realize the benefits of all those thing...
It is hard to be done in the small, very2 small community....
It is normal to ignore thing when u have it but once you lose it, you'll really miss it....
It happened many times since I was here....
I miss many things,
The thing that I hate before...
The thing that I doesn't see the important that it bring to me...
When I look back on my photo collection, I found this photo....
When i captured this photo, I didn't think how can I use it...
But now I think it worth to have this photo...
Quote from the pic....
One day at a time-this is enough
Do not look back
and grieve over the past,
For it is gone
Do not be troubled
about the future,
For it has yet to come.
Live in the present,
and make it so beautiful
That it will be worth

already gud,
for u to know it, for us t0o...
dun be sad...
u can always get tazkirah right now...even online...
wlupn x merasa, tp memahami...
hepi fasting, hepi eidul fitri..
thanks for the wish....
am not sad, just miss the past..
seems like everyone is missing the ol' school days...
how i wish i could be back in the past...
hearing tazkirah from ustaz...
tadarus with dorm mates...
missing them n everything damn bad now...
=))ko lagila terasenye da dok jau...
lumrah hidup memg camtu..but we must keep on moving..coz even if we try to stop our steps to move forward and start looking at our past..da world will keep spinning..perjuangan kita belum selesai..kerna hanya yang cekal dan tabah mampu untuk membina,mercu tanda..bangsanya yang berjaya..
-salam dari Tanah Melayu =)
hehe..thanks guys...
arini da start kelas..
kne r looking forward la plak..
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