Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kerna Allah Masih Sayang

Dugaan datang menduga-duga, 
Sebagai peringatan untuk si hamba, 
Agar merintih pada yang Esa, 
Tuhan sekalian alam semesta. 

Teringat aku dek masa lalu, 
Kereta rosak otak buntu, 
Muka masam hampir seminggu, 
Mengenang nasib yang tidak menentu.

Revolusi diri telah berlaku, 
Peristiwa silam mendidik aku, 
Untuk menjadi lebih berilmu, 
Menghadapi cabaran yang beribu.

Cabaran ini bukan diminta, 
Tapi aku amat mensyukurinya, 
Ia datang tepat masanya, 
Menyedarkan aku yang terlena.

Mungkin ini satu persediaan,
Untukku menghadapi masa hadapan, 
Yang masih tiada tetapan, 
Cuma ada sebuah keyakinan. 

Mungkin juga suatu bukti, 
Tentang kebenaran kalam Ilahi, 
Hayatilah ia muhasabah diri, 
Perbetul niat bersihkan hati. 

Hatiku tidak sekuat mana,
Kecundangnya juga tidak dijangka,
Namun aku harus berusaha,
Kerana ini persinggahan sementara.

Sungguh aku ada celanya, 
Tapi terimalah ia seadanya, 
Jika ada syak wasangka, 
Minta penjelasan sebelum mengadilinya.

Tidak terniat dek diri, 
Untuk penting diri sendiri, 
Jangan kerana ego sendiri, 
Nilai persahabatan telah diperjudi. 

Harta bukan masalah utama, 
Tapi ukhuwah harus dijaga, 
Kuminta maaf silap segala, 
Kepada anda sahabat semua.

Buat sahabat yang disisi,
Ayuhlah berjuang dijalan ini,
Kuatkan semangat tabahkan hati,
Janji Allah pasti terjadi.

Jangan sekali berputus asa, 
Rahmat Ilahi dimana mana, 
Mungkin tiada rezeki kita, 
Mendapat harta tika didunia. 

Namun ingat akhirat jua, 
Tempat dibicara seadil-adilnya, 
Setiap manusia lain perjalanannya, 
Namun pengakhiran itu sama. 

Setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya, 
Itu percaturan sang pencipta, 
Hanya Dia mengetahui segalanya, 
Percaturan hidup manusia didunia. 

Tidak kucoret meminta belas,
Tidak pula mengharap balas,
Ini cuma peringatan ikhlas
Buatku dan teman andai terbabas.

Ayuh teman mari berjuang,
Mari menoraka alam terbentang,
Jangan dihirau susah senang,
Kerna Allah Masih Sayang.

Kerna Allah masih sayang. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Privilege Walk

Assignment: Imagine you and other classmates are in a same starting line across a hall. Then this 20 statements are read one at a time. Where will you end up in compared to your other friends? 
  1. If you have both parent still alive, take one step forward. 
  2. If you have a house to live in, take one step forward. 
  3. If you ever go to bed hungry because the fridge is empty, take on step backward. 
  4. If you still have food in you fridge, take one step forward. 
  5. If you and your sibling go to school, take one step forward.
  6. If you have a health insurance, take one step forward.
  7. If your family has a car, take a step forward. 
  8. If your family rent a house/apartment, take a step backward.
  9. If you get a new cloth for every Eid Celebration, take one step forward. 
  10. If you ever break your fast in a hotel/restaurant, take one step forward.
  11. If your parent give you money to go to movies and hang out, take one step forward. 
  12. If you ever had a part time job just to support your family, take one step backward. 
  13. If you ever experience divorce of your parent, take one step backward. 
  14. If you are not illiterate, take one step forward. 
  15. If you ever tried to change your appearance, speech or mannerisms to gain more credibility, take one step backward.
  16. If you have servant to clean the house and cook, take one step forward. 
  17. If your mother voluntarily unemployed, take one step forward.
  18. If you have as Astro in your house, take one step forward.
  19. If you have more than 4 shoes, take one step forward. 
  20. If you have $5 in your pocket, take one step forward.
  21. If you able to read this, take one step forward. 

Think about position that you might end up and press Ctrl + A to read the conclusion

This activity aims to make you realize how fortunate you are among your surrounding. 

For the one who think he/she will be in the back, just remember that the hardship and your series of unfortunate event were the one that shape you to be what you are. Being in the back does not means your life is sucks, or maybe your past life is better that the people in the front. 

For the one in the middle, you should feel fortunate and glad to have what you had before. You are still considered lucky compared to the people behind you. If you felt your life is hard and sucks, change the perception now. 

For the one in front group, you are among the luckiest in the world. However, don't look down to the people behind you. You be in the front row because of your parents hardwork and not yours. You might not experience the tough life, or your life are full with love. Just remember this is not for forever. 

Anyway, wherever did you end up, you still can change it. It's depend on you!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Challenges Updated

  1. I know I abandoned this blog for a very long time. I just did not have the courage anymore. Too much thing going on, maybe. 
  2. When I feel ready to close this 2011 books and start to have a new book written, it just did not happen. Allah add another challenges to be written in the 2011 book. It's somehow is heartbreaking, but I believe that it is still in my capabilities. That is Allah's promise. 
  3. On the bright side, this challenges that had come and that is coming are the one that make me stronger. 
  4. Thanks to a friend that had wake me up from a deep sleep. You opened my eyes, bro! You wake me up at the right time. I just can't thanks you enough. Do tell me if I stray again. 
  5. Maybe I just 'lagho' to much before and keep denying the future. Thanks again, friend. 
  6. I already set a goal. This is a long lasting objective that need consistent effort! O Allah, help me in this! 
  7. I remembered a verse describe about how can you say you believe, even though you are not tested yet.
  8. I might not be strong enough to calm down when something happened, but deep inside, I hope I do. The rage is just can't be control fully yet. 
  9. I am not sigh-ing for the challenges. Things happen for a reason. 
  10. Life decision is hard. I just found one solution for this. Set an objective, and whatever you do, make sure that it benefits you toward the objective. You'll find the way. InsyaAllah. 
  11. I really hope that 'istiqamah' will follow me with this. The end is still unclear, but the light is there. If it is not the expected one, I accept it. But who is me to expect and decide. Pray for it though. 
  12. Husnul dzan dan berlapang dada! InsyaAllah.
  13. Penn State organize this great program very very well indeed. Congratulations guy. 

Thats the only updates that I managed to write when I skip the tazkirah session for a reason...:P 

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