Maka dengan ini, diisytiharkan bahawa pelajar-pelajar tajaan Mara dan JPA sudah menamatkan pengajian di Institut Tarian dan Seni Kebudayaan Rochester. Mereka telah menamatkan pengajian dengan thesis yang amat memberangsangkan. Berikut adalah sedikit cuit-cuit tentang thesis mereka.
Thesis dimulakan dengan dikir barat! |
Puteri Hang Lipo datang melawat |
Sultan mencari damai di kampung... |
Berjumpa pula dengan penunggu gunung... |
Akhirnya berjumpa Si Puteri... |
7 dulang enggan dipenuhi, sultan berundur membawa diri... |
Ke borneo sultan pergi, puteri berbunuh kerana dengki... |
Tun diculik lanun hantu |
Sultan menolong tiada berbantu |
Pantang menyerah sebelum darah |
Demi untuk Tun Fatimah! |
Rakyat gembira berdansa berdansi |
Siaplah thesis kali ini! |
For those who missed that night, this might add some values to your lost!
Dear Malaysian students, After being personally invited by my
students, I had the wonderful pleasure of attending the Malaysian Night
yesterday evening. Thank you so much for taking the time and exerting
the energy to put this on for your fellow students and faculty at
R.I.T. It was truly an enriching experience.
The musical
play based on the search for love by Sultan Azuraddin Shah
was delightful and fascinating. The tale was mystical and the Sultan is lonely, but gives his first love, a
Chinese Princess away to the one she loves in an act of kindness, then
how he rises to the challenge of a Fairy Princess (a goddess in other
cultures I think) with the amazing feats of strength and cunning to win
her, only to adhere to his principles, allowing only unconditional
love. Then the sad tale of meeting two lovely mystical princesses who
kill each other as a result human nature, and then coming to
the incredible story of how the Sultan slays a gang of pirates to free a
simple village woman who helps him, and how they fall in love. I think
it is an amazing tale and am still spellbound by the acting and the
amazing dancing and music.
The acting was fabulous, the
dancers were talented and energetic, the choreography was stunning, the
costumes and props amazing ! It combined a great mixture of acting,
music and delightful humor! The amount of time and work you must have
all put into this and your standing ovation at the end was very well
Congratulations on a truly remarkable performance and - thanks for the treats after the show too !
Dr. Hans Schmitthenner, adjunct prof in Chemistry
Aku sepatutnya pergi sana kalau tak kerja. Hmm takde rezeki. Thesis batch korang silalah buat lagi best ye. InsyaAllah aku mesti datang! :D
Haha..xpe xde rezeki, tgok la video nnti ade kat fb!
nice photos paan! ko gune camera ape eh?
thanks! aku gune sony nex3
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