Friday, June 17, 2011


I just arrived in London this evening. It's a bit cold than I expected.

The journey was not so good. I'll not recommend Iceland Express to anyone afterward. It worth to spend a hundred buck more to buy flight from other companies. Seriously it is worth it. For a better legroom and an entertainment set, I'll definitely go for others next time.  
There is a poster at the Iceland Airport that says "Everything is hay during the hard time". It is mainly due to the weather to grow crops and feed livestock I guess. I wondered people there ever had a heat from sun. The weather there was like during the transition between Fall and Winter in the US. It was a nice and beautiful land though. Asnida said that the ocean there was frozen. Oh no, I miss that! One more thing, the Subuh prayer start at 2am, Maghrib at 12am, and Isya' was at 1am. You get how long was the day for them?

During the flight, I was listening to my Ipod and I realized the fact that the last time I really listened to the song in the Ipod was when I still working as custodian. Oh I miss that! I miss Rochester! By the way, to the Rochester people, we'll meet again soon. To seniors, maybe yesterday morning was the last day for us to meet each other, anyway, good luck in the your future endeavor.

I never been in a big city like NYC or London itself before. I can feel the busy-ness here!I'll be exploring the city tomorrow, and after that the journey for Conquest of Europe will begin!

Sunset in London...
 Good night!

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Off to Europe!

Really hope for a nice and safe vacation ahead!

To those who taking the summer class, Happy studying and enjoy the summer! Good Luck!

To everyone else, Happy Holiday!!

To everybody, enjoy the sunshine!! :)

All in all, May Allah ease everything in whatever we do. Amin....

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Lawak Kampus #3

Situasi: Perempuan bertudung dan seorang lelaki di library. 

Si lelaki: Sembahyang kat sini la, nanti senang nak buat apa-apa lepas ni.

Si perempuan: Eh takpelah, aku nak balik rumah, Sembahyang kat rumah.

Si lelaki: Apsal? nanti lambat la pulak.

Si perempuan: Kat rumah r,  pakaian tak menutup aurat.

Si lelaki: errr...

Get it?
p/s: Cerita telah diolah, tetapi isi patinya tetap sama

Kalau tahu malu dengan Allah untuk menutup aurat, kenapa tidak dengan manusia? 
 Sama-samalah kita memperbaiki diri.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Attention to Blogger and Twitter User; Ini tanggungjawab bersama!

Kalau dulu sorang buang anak, semua nak buang anak..

Bile sorang post cakap dah tak ada dara, sorang lagi post cium mulut dengan BF. 

Oh wait, best sangat ke wey bagitau orang. Mungkin nak kejar populariti kat twitter kot, Dapat jadi top trend kat twitter sapa tak nak. Satu Malaysia kenal. Aku tak rasa benda ni akan stop dekat sini jek. Ke memang kat Malaysia ade 2 orang je sex freak? Mestilah tidak kan. 2 orang sex freak yang telah berani mendedahkan diorang punya aktiviti ni macam seruan untuk other sex freak untuk berani tampil kehadapan kot. Beware blogger and twitter user, ni time untuk tingkatkan traffic korang! LOL

Cinta kepada dunia tak bawa ke syurga! Carilah redha Illahi...
Tapikan, bukan diorang saja yang salah. Blogger dan twitter user  kat luar sana pon salah jugak. Memang mungkin korang tak pengaruhi sex freak  (Cik Adinda Evans or Puteri Shasha) ni untuk tayang-tayang, tunjuk-tunjuk or bangga-bangga kan, tapi tak rase ke nanti benda ni akan melarat sebab populariti dan coverage yg korang bagi kat diorang ni.

Sapa tak nak popular kan, ye dok?
*alamak aku pon da buat coveraga pasal diorg*

Tapi ingatlah blogger and twitter user, traffic korang yang banyak tu tak akan setanding dengan kesan dari coverage korang tu. Lagipun banyak lagi benda boleh tulis kan. Aku okay if some of the blogger komen pasal these sex freaks dari sudut Islamiah dan memberi nasihat. Tapi for those yang hanya komen dan ulas berita tu, nasihat aku, carilah berita lain lagi elok kot.

Kalau korang tak percaya dengan kesan coverage korang sebagai media tak rasmi mahupun media rasmi Malaysia, meh aku cerita satu benda. Aku sekarang blajar kat US, dan ade sekali tu aku pergi ke bengkel kereta seorang pakcik ni. Borak punya borak, die tanya aku pemimpin yang buat kes sodomi tu memerintah lagi ke? Aku punyalah segan, diorang kenal Malaysia sebab ade pemimpin yang ada kes sodomi. Sedap orang kat Malaysia dok berdebat siap bersumpah seranah, orang kt US hanya tahu yang pemimpin Malaysia ada kes. Kat mana lagi diorang boleh tahu benda ni selain internet. Sebab realitinya surat khabar kat sini macam localized dan tak worldwide pon.

So korang paham la kan peranan korang dalam hal ini? Memang nanti korang cakap posting korang dalam BM orang US tak paham, tapi orang Indonesia, Singapore? Or at least orang Aussie yang reti cakap Melayu tuh?

Oke da mengarut habis da!

Anyway, just a little reminder, for those blogger and twitter users out there,just mind your own business and leave those sex-freak alone. I'm not saying this to defend them, but leaving them alone will at least prevent other sex-freak from expose their picture or whatsoever in the future..

Or maybe someone already think to post her nude picture on facebook afterward?I'm not being sexist but people do care  because you are women!

Think people, think!

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Summer's update...

 1. Midwest was awesome. Although we did not win any games, but Budu Sedak was still the best. Lets try again next year.

RIT contingent.
2. Had a great time in the car as well. To Izzat, Ainina, Syamimi, Rizi, and Nabihah; we really had a great time, and I learned a lot from you guys. It was a memorable trip indeed, as we talked about what happened in the car again and again after the trip.

ice rain!
3.The hail at Ohio during my way to Michigan was unforgettable experience. It did really scare me or maybe everyone in the car. Thanks to Allah as we all safe. Wait, one windshield had cracked!

The cracked winshield!
4. I love having a roadtrip. It opens your mind and widens your horizon. Thank you guys!

5. Congratulations to the comittee members of MWGi 2011. You guy did a really good job. It was such a nice experience.

6. It was also nice to see my friends again after a year or so. Till we meet again friends... To you-know-who-you-are, thanks again for the short meeting.

7. Summer classes had begun. Oh wait, I'm not taking any. I do care because it was most likely that I'm the only one at home...@.@

8. Did I tell you that life without car when you used to have one was not fun? Yes, it is. By the way, I'm glad I did have everything else in this world. Thanks Allah.

In memories...
9. The big event is just around the corner. At last, Europe here I come. I'm thinking to make a travelog for this Euro trip but it still depends on the internet connection there.

10. I'm leaving in a week! Bye-bye Rochester!

P/s: Pictures are from Facebook.Do check it out on my profile.