Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Kerna Allah Masih Sayang

Dugaan datang menduga-duga, 
Sebagai peringatan untuk si hamba, 
Agar merintih pada yang Esa, 
Tuhan sekalian alam semesta. 

Teringat aku dek masa lalu, 
Kereta rosak otak buntu, 
Muka masam hampir seminggu, 
Mengenang nasib yang tidak menentu.

Revolusi diri telah berlaku, 
Peristiwa silam mendidik aku, 
Untuk menjadi lebih berilmu, 
Menghadapi cabaran yang beribu.

Cabaran ini bukan diminta, 
Tapi aku amat mensyukurinya, 
Ia datang tepat masanya, 
Menyedarkan aku yang terlena.

Mungkin ini satu persediaan,
Untukku menghadapi masa hadapan, 
Yang masih tiada tetapan, 
Cuma ada sebuah keyakinan. 

Mungkin juga suatu bukti, 
Tentang kebenaran kalam Ilahi, 
Hayatilah ia muhasabah diri, 
Perbetul niat bersihkan hati. 

Hatiku tidak sekuat mana,
Kecundangnya juga tidak dijangka,
Namun aku harus berusaha,
Kerana ini persinggahan sementara.

Sungguh aku ada celanya, 
Tapi terimalah ia seadanya, 
Jika ada syak wasangka, 
Minta penjelasan sebelum mengadilinya.

Tidak terniat dek diri, 
Untuk penting diri sendiri, 
Jangan kerana ego sendiri, 
Nilai persahabatan telah diperjudi. 

Harta bukan masalah utama, 
Tapi ukhuwah harus dijaga, 
Kuminta maaf silap segala, 
Kepada anda sahabat semua.

Buat sahabat yang disisi,
Ayuhlah berjuang dijalan ini,
Kuatkan semangat tabahkan hati,
Janji Allah pasti terjadi.

Jangan sekali berputus asa, 
Rahmat Ilahi dimana mana, 
Mungkin tiada rezeki kita, 
Mendapat harta tika didunia. 

Namun ingat akhirat jua, 
Tempat dibicara seadil-adilnya, 
Setiap manusia lain perjalanannya, 
Namun pengakhiran itu sama. 

Setiap yang berlaku ada hikmahnya, 
Itu percaturan sang pencipta, 
Hanya Dia mengetahui segalanya, 
Percaturan hidup manusia didunia. 

Tidak kucoret meminta belas,
Tidak pula mengharap balas,
Ini cuma peringatan ikhlas
Buatku dan teman andai terbabas.

Ayuh teman mari berjuang,
Mari menoraka alam terbentang,
Jangan dihirau susah senang,
Kerna Allah Masih Sayang.

Kerna Allah masih sayang. 

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Privilege Walk

Assignment: Imagine you and other classmates are in a same starting line across a hall. Then this 20 statements are read one at a time. Where will you end up in compared to your other friends? 
  1. If you have both parent still alive, take one step forward. 
  2. If you have a house to live in, take one step forward. 
  3. If you ever go to bed hungry because the fridge is empty, take on step backward. 
  4. If you still have food in you fridge, take one step forward. 
  5. If you and your sibling go to school, take one step forward.
  6. If you have a health insurance, take one step forward.
  7. If your family has a car, take a step forward. 
  8. If your family rent a house/apartment, take a step backward.
  9. If you get a new cloth for every Eid Celebration, take one step forward. 
  10. If you ever break your fast in a hotel/restaurant, take one step forward.
  11. If your parent give you money to go to movies and hang out, take one step forward. 
  12. If you ever had a part time job just to support your family, take one step backward. 
  13. If you ever experience divorce of your parent, take one step backward. 
  14. If you are not illiterate, take one step forward. 
  15. If you ever tried to change your appearance, speech or mannerisms to gain more credibility, take one step backward.
  16. If you have servant to clean the house and cook, take one step forward. 
  17. If your mother voluntarily unemployed, take one step forward.
  18. If you have as Astro in your house, take one step forward.
  19. If you have more than 4 shoes, take one step forward. 
  20. If you have $5 in your pocket, take one step forward.
  21. If you able to read this, take one step forward. 

Think about position that you might end up and press Ctrl + A to read the conclusion

This activity aims to make you realize how fortunate you are among your surrounding. 

For the one who think he/she will be in the back, just remember that the hardship and your series of unfortunate event were the one that shape you to be what you are. Being in the back does not means your life is sucks, or maybe your past life is better that the people in the front. 

For the one in the middle, you should feel fortunate and glad to have what you had before. You are still considered lucky compared to the people behind you. If you felt your life is hard and sucks, change the perception now. 

For the one in front group, you are among the luckiest in the world. However, don't look down to the people behind you. You be in the front row because of your parents hardwork and not yours. You might not experience the tough life, or your life are full with love. Just remember this is not for forever. 

Anyway, wherever did you end up, you still can change it. It's depend on you!

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Challenges Updated

  1. I know I abandoned this blog for a very long time. I just did not have the courage anymore. Too much thing going on, maybe. 
  2. When I feel ready to close this 2011 books and start to have a new book written, it just did not happen. Allah add another challenges to be written in the 2011 book. It's somehow is heartbreaking, but I believe that it is still in my capabilities. That is Allah's promise. 
  3. On the bright side, this challenges that had come and that is coming are the one that make me stronger. 
  4. Thanks to a friend that had wake me up from a deep sleep. You opened my eyes, bro! You wake me up at the right time. I just can't thanks you enough. Do tell me if I stray again. 
  5. Maybe I just 'lagho' to much before and keep denying the future. Thanks again, friend. 
  6. I already set a goal. This is a long lasting objective that need consistent effort! O Allah, help me in this! 
  7. I remembered a verse describe about how can you say you believe, even though you are not tested yet.
  8. I might not be strong enough to calm down when something happened, but deep inside, I hope I do. The rage is just can't be control fully yet. 
  9. I am not sigh-ing for the challenges. Things happen for a reason. 
  10. Life decision is hard. I just found one solution for this. Set an objective, and whatever you do, make sure that it benefits you toward the objective. You'll find the way. InsyaAllah. 
  11. I really hope that 'istiqamah' will follow me with this. The end is still unclear, but the light is there. If it is not the expected one, I accept it. But who is me to expect and decide. Pray for it though. 
  12. Husnul dzan dan berlapang dada! InsyaAllah.
  13. Penn State organize this great program very very well indeed. Congratulations guy. 

Thats the only updates that I managed to write when I skip the tazkirah session for a reason...:P 

Nittany Lion Inn

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fall rant..

It's been quite a while since the last post. Sometimes, I did forget that I has this blog. Anyway, lets rant!

1. Fall 2011 is near its end. There are so many things happening around, and the time passed by faster and faster. School work, jobs, clubs, and friends keep me busy for the past 10 weeks. It fun though.

2. The knee are getting better. Ok it's a lie. The ligament will not grow back by itself. I am thinking about operation in the US, but still consider many other things.

3. Did I tell you that I've been in the best class ever in RIT? It's fun and impressive sometimes. Learn about the genetics behind diseases and the ethic and psychology to be a medical officer. I just meet a doctor this morning, and I can see that all those thing being applied.

4. I also don't see abortion as a bad term anymore. It's a bad practice, but there are many other reason for that. Anyway, bare in mind, abortion is haram in Islam generally.

5. I've read an article about Abortion and Islam. Malaysian Fatwa council decide that we could abort up to 120 days of pregnancy and no later than that. This because after 120 days, the fetus already has the "ruh", so to abort them is to kill them. Visit here for more info.

6. The marketing class was also fun! sometimes when you fall into certain ads, and buy the stuff and and regret it afterward?. Do you know how it feels when you learn things behind those ads. How to make it that way.I realize sometimes we just fall into the marketers trap.

7. I don't want to talk about Envi Microbe class. Let it be a secret. No more that Abang Lokman class after this.

8. Biochem online? Not recommended class, but still with a little hardwork, A's is possible.

9. Finals week are coming in 2 days. 4 finals and a paper is the worst I had so far. Another weeks in the library and I'm done!!

10. The mother nature give a 5 minutes sneak peek of snow today! Welcome back Mr. Snow!

11. Enough for the rant! let get the work started..

Sunday, September 11, 2011

Rezeki itu 'fragile', Allah itu kekal.

Allah itu Maha Kuasa, 
Kuasa itu tiada bandingnya, 
Menarik rezeki sekelip mata, 
Tiada yang mampu menghalangNya.

Allah beri nikmat berlari, 
Ku pergi sana dan sini, 
Sungguh sombong insan ini, 
Mengucap syukur tidak sekali. 

Kini ku tak lagi berlari, 
Namun kaki masih berdiri, 
Perasaan geram didalam diri, 
Menyalah takdir  Illahi.

Sifat manusia memang begitu, 
Sombong angkuh tidak menentu, 
Tak dihargai nikmat itu, 
Sehingga hilang tak bertemu. 

Allah ambil nikmat berlari, 
Ku mengeluh tak terhenti, 
Mungkin aku terlupa diri,
Nikmat lain yang diberi. 

Aku hanya tidak berlari, 
Itu sudah menggoncang emosi, 
Tidak terpikir dek diri, 
Perasaan orang tidak berkaki. 

Mesti terselit disana sini, 
Hikmah kejadian ini terjadi, 
Walau yang nyata disini, 
Aku tidak lagi berlari. 

Mungkin ku tidak menghargai, 
Sekeliling aku banyak rezeki, 
Aku buta dengan duniawi, 
Tidak teringat dek Illahi. 

Mungkin ini kecil bagimu, 
Namun ia tidak bagiku, 
Sungguh berat kekurangan itu, 
Peringatan buatku dari Tuhanku. 

Tapi Allah ada berjanji, 
Tidak melampau dalam menguji, 
Ku yakin janji Illahi, 
Mampu ditempuh ujian ini. 

Wahai sahabatku yang dikasihi,
Walau kamu hanya memerhati,
Ambillah pengajaran daripada ini, 
Muhasabah diri, syukuri rezeki.

Ya Allah Ya Tuhanku, 
Ku panjat syukur buatMu,
Atas rezeki melimpah dariMu, 
Kepada semua hamba-hambaMu. 

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Turn over.

Kalau orang kata malang jatuh bertimpa-timpa

Katakanlah Allah hanya mahu menduga 

Hello Rochester, I'm back!

Thursday, September 1, 2011

My father reminded me about this verse just now.

Apakah manusia itu mengira bahwa mereka dibiarkan (saja) mengatakan: "Kami telah beriman", sedang mereka tidak diuji lagi? 
Al Ankabut, 29: 2 
Terima kasih kepada Allah diatas ujian ini. Sesungguhnya itu adalah percaturan yang terbaik. I'll do my best!

May Allah ease everything. He knows the best!
See you in the State, Rochester people! InsyaAllah. 

Saturday, August 27, 2011

2 years back~

This post should be published yesterday..xD

Anyway, on this date, 2 years back, it was the point where I create the new chapter in life. A chapter full of ups n downs.

Btw, I did promised myself not to come back for at least 2 years, but somehow I did go back after 9 months. Well, I still 'noob' at that time!

Let stay for next summer people!

Ramadhan is near to it's end! Let's pray harder! 

Tuesday, August 23, 2011

It's a race. Between you and me!

So today, I had a thought to graduate early from RIT. I wrote it on twitter and it became a breaking new! Yes it is. At least 6 friends replied back to me on twitter. Then we had been replying to each other about that thing.
The breaking new! 
 If I graduate early, I can find the job earlier that everyone else in my batch. I called it a race. Every year at least a  thousand Malaysian graduated with a biotech degree. Let count it. My batch here in RIT has almost 40 students, and approximately 100+ in the entire USA. I have friends taking biotech in UPM and UIA. I'm not sure about other IPTA in Malaysia, never heard of it but I'm pretty sure they have it. So a thousand make sense isn't it? I've seen many friends that are older than me that majoring in biotech. They surely will be graduating soon.
Joke2, marriage is not one of the reason! Haha
Well, if you said that this biotech was new field, and lots of job opportunities await in the future, I kind of agree with it. But still, in my opinion, whoever come in first into the field, will more likely to be on the top. Or it only applies on MLM only, no I guess. At least from my experience, first come, first serve is the ultimate rule.
Someone is supporting..=P
So it is a race between me and you. Well, I know that Allah knows the best and will decide the very best for all of us. It is just that what can I foreseen by this limited thought was this. A race to get a job and involve in this biotech industry. I also think about a master, and even a PhD, but still I need to get it quick.
Ready, Get Set, GO!
Then, now I am in dilemma, after rationalize my thought to graduate early from RIT, I afraid that I might regret if I take that decision. My bucket list of thing to do in the US still doesn't empty yet.

The truth is, I never satisfied skiing even I had been ski for 2 seasons. I just don't want it to end. I can't imagine if this year will be my last.. I don't have saving to for my future after graduate either. Well, I need it to start an independent life in Malaysia.
Yes, I afraid to leave US land, just because I might not stepping on it again. 
 I never been to several must go places in the US yet. Hey. it's once in a lifetime experience and I don't want to waste it. I want to go to Spain too. I doubt if I can save money by working in Malaysia to go for travel and other 'lagho' thing. Coming to US after going back to Malaysia also might be an impossible mission.
So how?
It might seem my reasons were a bit 'lagho' and for fun only, but that's what make up my life.

After this long rant, I still can't decide what the best is . Sigh! Yes, drive your live is difficult... and

May Allah ease me and you in making any decision. Pray to Allah, He never forget us.

Monday, August 22, 2011

Kelana Convoy: Day 12 and 13

Well, it's been over a month since I last wrote the travelog. Well, just two more entry to finish. Let's finish it.

For day 12, we were on our way from Swiss to France. The journey took the whole day. We did karaoke in the bus! Haha. That night, we sleep over at Le Parc de Paris campsite. It was a nice campsite anyway.

During day 13, we went to Disneyland, Paris! It was quite a nice experience for me as a first timer. But I thinks I'll never go there again. Line up for almost two hours for a ride was so not my type. Sorry to the Disneyland fan. :P
Disney Studio!
In the Disneyland, we entered several rides. I already forgot the names anyway. I remembered it's took about an hour and a half for Big Thunder Mountain ride. I really not a big fan of it..:)

I can conclude the trip to Disneyland was just for me to say that I had been here. 
The Space Ride. 

 Well, if you have only one day to spend in the Disneyland, I suggest you just go to the theme park. Nothing interesting in the Disney Studio. The first place you have to go in the theme park is the Space Mountain: Mission II ride. Get a fast pass for that. Fast Pass, it is a ticket that allow you to skip the line. You can use the FastPass after 2 or 3 hours. After that, go to have another ride while waiting. One day will never enough anyway. 

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Jumpe blogger terkenal...

Fuyyoh semalam dapat berjumpa dengan Faiz Tapit gitu, owner Blog Aku Bukan Blog Bapak Kau

Picture credit to Fiqnuor
Oh ya, belakang tu Joegrimjow.

Anyway nice to meet everyone yesterday at the Alumni meeting. For those who do not come yesterday, do come next time, will ya? The committee for alumni also had been selected. InsyaAllah there will be programs that can benefit us in the future. Thanks to those who attended the meeting.

Seeing friends after 4 years, it was a nice experience anyway. The same friends, but a grow-up version of them. Some of them are already working, some looking forward for graduation and some still stuck in the student world. Everyone endure their own journey. I hope the best for all of you.

Till we met again, friends.

Monday, August 1, 2011

Ramadhan Updates

1. Sorry for abandon this blog for quite a while.I was quite busy working and enjoying the summer! I'll complete the travelog for Kelana Convoy later.

2. Ramadhan just came. This year, I'll complete my Ramadhan in Malaysia, InsyaAllah. Let's makes this Ramadhan one of the best Ramadhan we ever encounter.

3. We talked about Kurma (dates) yesterday. It brings back the memory where Adlil and I count the dates that we have during the first year so that it can last until the end of Ramadhan. It teach me that I have to appreciate things that I take for granted before.

4. De' Mall will close for 3 days. Do come to break fast at 4th Ramadhan, okay?

5. Last week I went to Malaysia vs Singapore game in Bukit Jalil. Sang National anthem with other 90, 000 Malaysian people was awesome! It makes me love Malaysia more! Haha...

6. But still, Malaysian people, do change your attitude. Boo-ing during Singapore anthem and throwing bottles to the field was not nice, okay?

7. Lose weight during Ramadhan? Errrr...., yeah will do!!

8. Note to self, do upgrade your Ibadah and Istiqamah in doing it. InsyaAllah.

That's it for now! 
See you guys later!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Kelana Convoy: Day 10 and 11

I'm back again. I'll compiled both day 10 and 11 in one post as there's nothing much to say on day 10.

Day 10
We pack our stuff in the morning in Italy and went to Swiss. The journey took the whole day. Well, the weather was nice and the view were awesome! The mountain and green field all around resemble the greatness of our Creator.

That night, we did some photo session, write name with lights! And below were some of the nicest

Day 11
Today, people scattered around Swiss. Some of them go to Interlaken using train, some of them go Jungfrau (the top), and some of them just spend time in Kleine Schneideg (Halfway). Me, along with Nadiah and her family were going to the top while Sha and As going to Interlaken.

The train going to the top cost about 142 Swiss Franc. That caused most of the people in the trip did not go to the top. For me, it was once in a lifetime experience, so I went there :).

At the top, we visiting the Ice Palace where everything inside was made using ice.

Later, we went to see the Sphinx, it was quite a good view there.
It looks like human face!

Then, I went for skiing!! It was quite a disappointment as I thought the trail was a real, challenging trail, but it wasn't. It was just for recreational skiing. Anyway, where else you can get a chance to ski in summertime?

Anyway, the best picture of all

which way does the glasses go? in or out? 

Friday, July 15, 2011

Kelana Convoy: Day 9

So today we left the best campsite of all, I forgot the name by the way. The destination for today is Pisa. The journey to Pisa took about 6 hours. We arrived at the campsite at 3 PM. After setting up the tent and whatso ever, we walked to the Tower of Pisa, which took us about 15 minutes. Nothing much to see except the leaning tower. Ironically, many pic was taken here with a lot of different action. Enjoy the pictures!

Along the way to the Pisa tower, there were a lot of awesome grafiti around. They were beautiful!!

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Kelana Convoy: Day 8

Done with Florence yesterday with a bit dissapointment about the time, now we get a chance to experience Rome! The weather in Rome was so damn hot that make all of us in the trip tanned, literally.

We go to Rome by public transport from the campsite. First, we go to the Vatican City, the Christian Holy City! We had a chance to enter the St Peter Basilicca after a very long Q. It was quite fast though. Then, we had a short visit to Castel St Angelo.
The Vatican City! 

The Basilicca, dome and etc.
Castel St Angelo
After a while, we took a bus to Termini, a hub for the underground tube. We had lunch and then we went to the Colloseo (Colosseum). To enter the Colloseo we had to pay 12 euro for the tickets, which include the pass for  Foro Romano and Palatino Hill.The view inside the Colloseo was awesome! The technology for the ancient people to build up such a huge monument was impressing. The visit to Palatino Hill and the Foro Romano was not interesting as we had no idea about the history of both of it. Lesson learned: Get yourself ready with the history of each place!
The Colloseo! 
Inside view! 
The we walked to Pantheon. It actually a church, There's nothing interesting about it or maybe there's something but yeah, I don't read about the history yet. Oh wait, we made a stop at Piazza Venezia for a group picture!

In front of Piazza Venezia
The next stop was Fontana de Trevi. As describe by auntie, the fountain was quite popular and was shown in many movies. I don't know the truth is. There's a lot of people there. We only stop for a short time to takes picture and the move to the next stop which is Spagna. Once again, a visit there was worthless as we did not have any idea about the history there.
Fontana de Trevi!
The worthless Spagna! 
We then took a train to the last stop of the day, Pinchio Garden. The crew suggest us to stay until sunset as the sunset view there was stunning. Well, we did not stay as it was still early that time.
Rome from Pinchio Garden!
On our way back, at the train station, we met another group that says they go to the mosque, which is the largest mosque in Europe. We was quite upset as we did not know it earlier. One more things, we did walk to the campsite as the bus was quite late! The 20 minutes walk feel like forever! Haha.

Lesson for the day: read the history of the places!
Next stop, The Leaning Tower of PISA!!!