Done with Florence yesterday with a bit dissapointment about the time, now we get a chance to experience Rome! The weather in Rome was so damn hot that make all of us in the trip tanned, literally.
We go to Rome by public transport from the campsite. First, we go to the Vatican City, the Christian Holy City! We had a chance to enter the St Peter Basilicca after a very long Q. It was quite fast though. Then, we had a short visit to Castel St Angelo.
The Vatican City! |
The Basilicca, dome and etc. |
Castel St Angelo |
After a while, we took a bus to Termini, a hub for the underground tube. We had lunch and then we went to the Colloseo (Colosseum). To enter the Colloseo we had to pay 12 euro for the tickets, which include the pass for Foro Romano and Palatino Hill.The view inside the Colloseo was awesome! The technology for the ancient people to build up such a huge monument was impressing. The visit to Palatino Hill and the Foro Romano was not interesting as we had no idea about the history of both of it. Lesson learned: Get yourself ready with the history of each place!
The Colloseo! |
Inside view! |
The we walked to Pantheon. It actually a church, There's nothing interesting about it or maybe there's something but yeah, I don't read about the history yet. Oh wait, we made a stop at Piazza Venezia for a group picture!
Pantheon! |
In front of Piazza Venezia |
The next stop was Fontana de Trevi. As describe by auntie, the fountain was quite popular and was shown in many movies. I don't know the truth is. There's a lot of people there. We only stop for a short time to takes picture and the move to the next stop which is Spagna. Once again, a visit there was worthless as we did not have any idea about the history there.
Fontana de Trevi! |
The worthless Spagna! |
We then took a train to the last stop of the day, Pinchio Garden. The crew suggest us to stay until sunset as the sunset view there was stunning. Well, we did not stay as it was still early that time.
Rome from Pinchio Garden! |
On our way back, at the train station, we met another group that says they go to the mosque, which is the largest mosque in Europe. We was quite upset as we did not know it earlier. One more things, we did walk to the campsite as the bus was quite late! The 20 minutes walk feel like forever! Haha.
Lesson for the day: read the history of the places!
Next stop, The Leaning Tower of PISA!!!